competitive advantage

6 Steps To Winning In a Super-Fast And Turbulent World

 By Lisa McCarthy

runninglean“If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.” Jack Welch

In a time when the rate of change has become exponential for the first time in history this quote by Jack Welch could hit a sore point. You know what he says to be true, but there’s a limit to how much faster you can move, and how much more you can fit in or do – isn’t there?

 What’s the answer when you feel like you’re already running as fast as you can – and you’re still only barely managing to keep up (if that)? How do you actually get ahead of the curve? How do you win when you’re caught in a whirlwind of exponential change – a world of rapidly changing technologies, changing consumer demands, increased consumer power, hyper competition, tumultuous economic conditions, and so much more?
